Lot D Position Statement

Lot D Project Position Statement

April 17, 2023


As I am firmly committed to my position, based on overwhelming resident feedback, and my duty to execute the desires and will of the majority of the residential owners of Celebration, I am making a statement prior to upcoming events surrounding the Lot D Project (colloquially known as ‘Pickleball’.)



I am opposed to pickleball courts in Celebration on Lot D in the civic corridor. The cost to develop this land is currently not a priority given our aging existing facilities that need both maintenance and remodeling. The work done to date has been biased and contains inaccurate information, and the costs are unreasonable given the scope of the work. It is not in the best interest of the resident owners, nor is it in their majority desire, to proceed with the project as it has been designed and is proceeding. The scope of this project exceeds $1,000,000 and does not serve the interests of the majority of the community.



The Celebration Residential Owners Association Board of Directors will be hosting a workshop on Monday, April 17, 2023, at Town Hall, from 6:30pm-8:30pm.

I have already stated twice (on March 28, 2023, and again on April 11, 2023) to my fellow board members that “we are trying to squeeze a lot of work into a two-week period and not allowing for consideration of other expensive projects. . . . It may be best to work on this at a more responsible pace, and align this Lot D public workshop with the 851 public workshop. That way we are speaking on both expenditures congruently and considering both costs around the same time. I realize this delays Lot D until June at the earliest, however (only speaking for myself) I don’t see that as an issue given the gravity of all of this.”

On April 17th, I will voice my opposition to this project with the following reasons:

-          There is consistent, overwhelming opposition to funds being used for this project as currently designed

-          We should not be discussing the cost of this project without consideration of the 851 Rehabilitation Project (colloquially known as ‘Town Hall Flood Remediation’.)

Finally, I will support Jim Hays recommendation to the board of directors that we consider a reconfiguration of existing tennis courts as a way to bring a new amenity to the community in a way that allows for this project to occur congruently with other necessary goals and expenditures within the community.

I am not opposed to pickleball courts elsewhere in Celebration where appropriate and affordable, as I agree it is a growing sport with great popularity. The majority of pickleball courts appearing across the United States are on repurposed tennis courts. There are already pickleball courts in North Village. Therefore, I support Jim Hays recommendation of repurposing one or two of the tennis courts at Lakeside Park to be resurfaced and refitted to allow for four to eight dedicated pickleball courts, spending money for appropriate shading structures, nets, court markings, benches, access control, and sound baffling, designed and installed by a reputable and professional sports construction company. I believe this can reasonably be done under $250,000.



If the Lot D Project appears as an action item on the April Board Meeting agenda, I will motion to table a vote on anything related to Lot D until after we have a cost comparison of other large expenditures, specifically the 851 Rehabilitation Project (colloquially known as ‘Town Hall Flood Remediation’.)

If the Lot D Project becomes a voting item at the April Board Meeting, I will vote in opposition to the project.



While it is impossible to make everyone happy, I am confident that I am representing the desires of the majority of our community as I execute my fiduciary responsibility to maintain and enhance property values by ensuring financial responsibility and longevity of the community for years to come.


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